Jessners peel 14R 14S 14L
The traditional Jessner’s peel is equal parts resorcinol, lactic and salicylic acids of 14%. It is the preferred peeling agent for oily, acne prone skin because of its safety. *No need for neu-tralization. Jessners is well tolerated in all skin tones and types with proper prep. It is commonly alternated with TCA peels and strong retinoid usage. Vitamin A (Luminosity method) can be applied after a Jessner’s peel to increase flaking.
- Description
The traditional Jessner’s peel is equal parts resorcinol, lactic and salicylic acids of 14%. It is the
preferred peeling agent for oily, acne prone skin because of its safety. *No need for neu-tralization.
Jessners is well tolerated in all skin tones and types with proper prep. It is commonly alternated
with TCA peels and strong retinoid usage. Vitamin A (Luminosity method) can be applied after a
Jessner’s peel to increase flaking.
6-8 treatments will be administered weekly or bi-weekly.
Professional Grade Jessner’s Peel
This is a professional grade, CERTIFIED Jessner’s peel pH 2.0. When you are dealing with cystic
and heavy acne, a medium depth combination peel can be your solution. The combination of
Salicylic, Lactic and Resorcinol create a powerful reaction in the skin to help clear out pores and
create a medium skin sloughing. You will have about 3-4 days downtime. Lactic and salicylic may
sound familiar to you, but resorcinol could be a new one for you! It is primarily used for its
lightening properties. It has a very similar chemical structure to hydroquinone. So, if you have an
allergy, or need to stay away from hydroquinone, then you should also avoid resorcinol to be safe.
What is a Jessner’s peel good for? Its perfect choice for you to begin treating:
• Congested skin with open and closed comedones.
• Whiteheads and blackheads.
• Back Acne
• Chest Acne
• Acne Scars
• Cystic Acne (large, painful, blemishes without a point)
**Always prepare darker skin with a for a minimum of 2 weeks, preferably up to 6 weeks before
your first peel to help prevent PIH* Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation. While Jessners is a
safer option than TCA would be, prepping the skin is always preferred.
This peel is a strong medium strength peel (such as TCA 13% at multiple layers or TCA 20%)
which is another alternative acid to deal with more aggressive acne issues. It will cause frosting
almost immediately upon application and will provide you with much peeling. You will most likely
want to plan your schedule around this peel, since there will be social down time for about 3-5 days
after your sloughing starts.
Jessner’s chemical peel is commonly applied in multiple layers in a professional setting. *Due to the
fact that Jessner’s is a stronger peel, Platinum Skin Care does not recommend applying more than 1
layer the first time the acid is used. Work up slowly, and never apply more than 5 layers without
working your way up slowly and gauging how your skin reacts to the acid.
*If you have melasma, are heavily pigmented, darker skinned or have a tan, we suggest you first
treat the pigment with a bleaching/fading gel for at least 4-6 weeks prior to peel usage to avoid
hyper or hypo-pigmentation.1 Layer 1x every 1-2 weeks
2-3 Layers 1x every 2-4 weeks
4-5 Layers 1x every 4-7 weeks
You must prepare your skin for any peel – especially a medium depth peel such as a Jessner’s. Please
follow the link below to read all about peeling and the different acids.
After you have prepared your skin for 2 weeks, we suggest the following application process:
1. Wash face with acidic cleanser.
2. Dry and apply 1-2 layers of Peel Prep Solution B. This will aid in numbing the skin slightly
for a more comfortable peel.
3. Air Dry.
4. Apply peel for suggested time frame on direction sheet.
5. Rinse well after 4-5 hours.
*If you have melasma, are heavily pigmented, darker skinned or have a tan, we suggest you first
treat the pigment with a bleaching/fading gel prior to peel usage.
What can I expect after the Jessner’s Chemical Peel? Before and After
Your skin will feel as though you have a sunburn. It may be pink-red and feel tight. Use a gentle
cleanser 1-2x per day (do not scrub your skin), pat dry and apply a moisturizing ointment. (Emu
+CP is a wonderful combination for healing and regeneration). DO NOT EVER tug on ANY skin
that is peeling from your face (even if it is just hanging there). You can cause excessive damage
resulting in severe scarring if you tear off a piece that is still attached at the end. *Most people will
start to flake between days 2-4 and will finish in 6-7 days.
• 1st day – Pink/red depending on how many layers of solution applied. Slightly tight.
• 2nd day – Red/brownish coloring, a bit tighter feeling.
• 3rd day – Dry, leathery appearance. A bit of cracking/peeling around most active areas of
face (mouth, chin, nose).
• 4th + day – Darker brown where skin has not peeled. Pink areas where skin has peeled. Very
uneven texture (make up will not be able to cover).
Jessner’s Peel Ingredients
Jessner’s Solution SD Alcohol, Salicylic Acid (14%), Lactic Acid (14%), Resorcinol (14%).
(1/4oz., 1/2oz, 1oz., 2oz. options). pH 2.0
Prep Solution B SD Alcohol 90%, Phenol 1%, Water. (2oz.)
Agreement: I understand and acknowledge that I am under no obligation to follow any recommendations made by the seller. I
understand the seller does not treat illnesses and any information received is intended to help me make an informed decision. I
assume the risk of any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use or misuse of any of the suggestions, preparations, or
procedures. I hereby release, hold harmless, and discharge the seller and all of its officers, employees, agents and suppliers from all
claims of damages, demands, or actions whatsoever in any manner arising from or growing out of my participation.
*Misuse of this product can cause injury or burns! Always follow directions exactly! Do not extend peeling times past 15 minutes!
Used as directed, our peels and products are safe and effective. By using this product you agree that Platinum Skin Care and
www.platinumskincare.com or Platinum Skin Care Inc. or SIA ERKO GROUP assumes no responsibility for misuse of this product
or for any consequences or injuries as a result of using any of our products. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN and
animals! Due to the nature of these products, all sales are final.